Undeniably sexual harassment at work is more prevalent than most employers would imagine. Surprisingly over 80% of women and 40% of men report experiencing sexual harassment at work.
Worker Protection (Amendment of Equality Act 2010) Act 2023
More importantly the introduction of The Worker Protection Act 2023, compels employers to address the issue. Significantly, the act, effective from 26th November 2024, introduces a legal duty on employers to take reasonable steps to prevent workplace sexual harassment. Better protection for workers against harassment will be enforced by fines, with the act introducing a potential 25% increase in compensation for breaches of the Act.
Actions for Employers to Prevent Sexual Harassment at Work
So what can employers do to protect employees and comply with the new law?
1. Develop a sexual harassment policy. The policy should clearly define harassment, provide examples of unacceptable behaviour, outline reporting procedures, and specify potential consequences for harassment. Emphasis should be placed on preventing harassment in the workplace, and existing policies may need adjustments to address the new obligations in law adequately.
2. Provide training on the topic. It is essential that employees understand what constitutes sexual harassment. There’s a false perception that physical contact is the only form of harassment. This is not true. Certainly the sharing of inappropriate pictures or comments, and making insensitive jokes is deemed harassment.
3. Introduce a clear reporting system. Unfortunately, it is estimates that 85% of sexual harassment goes unreported. Many employees find it emotionally difficult to report the issue. In addition, many employees find it difficult to navigate how to report an issue or fear the issue will not be taken seriously.
The new regulations mean the employers must now tackle the issue effectively and have evidence to prove the steps it has taken to address the issue.
Is your business lacking the systems in place to prevent sexual harassment? HR First provides workplace training and policies to address this issue. Let’s build a safer and more respectful workplace.